" its worth more than that"

hey, who was the ga comedian that had all the " if such and such" you might be a redneck" jokes???????? refresh on some of his jokes, they are really better!! LOL
what was sad tio me years ago hunting these old mopars back when they could actually be found< was to see one sittin, TRUNK AND HOOD UP, WINDOWNS DOWN, ETC.... pull up into the yard, see 5-6 little kids running lose, barefoot, needing clothes , a bath, and maybe something to eat, to inquire about the car to hear """" YES , WE'VE all HEARD IT A 100 TIMES!!!" YEA MAN, GONNA FIX IT UP SOMEDAY!????? PITIFUL, BUTS ITS HIS BUSINESS FOR SURE........O K SO I CALLED THE CHILD PROTECTION COPS!!!!