Degenerative Disc Disease

Mentioned this in my other post. Something I've been dealing with for several years now and found out exactly what it was in 2012.

Had an MRI yesterday morning and the Doc called a few minutes ago and confirmed what I already knew.

It's worsened and is now really pinching down on several nerves coming from my spinal cord....resulting in the sensitive teeth when I pop my neck and arms more prone to falling asleep. She gave me several options of direction to step in.

Num 1: steroid injections, which I don't want to do as the cortisol shots deteriorate bone really it's feeling better but getting worse and deteriorating both bone and disc now.
Num 2: going through physical therapy again, but for what? I already know the stretches and I don't have a partially herniated disc this time around.
Num 3: Go talk to the Neurologist again and see what he recommends.

I opted for number 3 for now.

I hate doing pain killers and have managed without them for years now.
Anyone have any fusions done in their necks?