I quit the restoration shop.

Seems to me you have thought this through pretty through'ly. Too bad it came to that, but sounds like your employer was somewhat out to screw people, anyhow. I wasted a good part of my life working for people on the edge. Three of them went broke, two of them after I left. Only one happened while I was there, that was right after my big "crash." I was still recovering with a broken leg among other things. I got stuck with over 10 grand in med bills the insurance would not pay. Fortunately, there was some 50K that they DID pay before the company went under.


Yeah, the tables have never really been even. I've been the only bodyman/ painter there for 3 years. Maybe longer. I wouldn't say he's out to cause trouble, but it definitely finds him. The business formula that I've always seen fail is starting a business in an industry that you don't have enough experience in, to complete all the necessary tasks on your own.

Sometimes you've got to put it all in a big ol' pile, cover it in gasoline, light a match, toss it in and walk away.. Time to move on to bigger and badder things! :D

Yep. I was going to give it a little longer, but I couldn't wrap my head around the logic of keeping a problem going like that. Left me without a choice, but it will be better off.


You better look into the RR Retirement a bit more. First off, RR Retirement pensions are paid by the government through the US Treasury. Secondly there is no such thing as collecting an early pension through RR Retirement other than a disability which you need 20 years service to qualify for. If you should happen to leave railroad service more than 18 months before your eligible retirement age which is currently 60 years old and with no less than 360 months of credited service, then you will only be eligible for retirement benefits through Social Security under their rules and regulations.

Will do. I don't know much about it, like if it is any different through each state, or how this particular setup works, but I will find out. I was told by 3 people, including the owner, that there was no penalization to take out early. I'm not really concerned with it, to be honest. Knowing how SSI works and how inflation and the US treasury works, I'm not actually planning on retiring. I'll likely own a business and die with a blueprint on my desk for the next month's work. Anything is better than what I've got, but thank you for the heads up!



I'll be happier, knowing that I won't owe taxes every year and work in a place where I will see raises based on my input into the company, instead of being based on my employer's needs and/ or wants.