Degenerative Disc Disease

I have a couple bulging discs and a pinched nerve from from some degenerative closing of the passage where the nerve exits the spine. So the sciatic pain is constant and usually unbearable within 10-15 minutes of doing most things and even just standing.

It has been off and on for 8-10 years ( I am 45) for years I just dealt with it but about 4 years ago I could not take it anymore so started seeing a spine doctor and a chiropractor with little relief. I have had spinal and other type injections that did not help. I have had countless hours of PT with no help.

It all took a back seat to some knee issues that I had been having for quite a few years that ended up with a total knee replacement in September of last year.

Now I'm seeing a spine institute at Dartmouth Hitchcock medical center in New Hampshire and they had me gabepentin or whatever it is called and that has not touched it ether but we did not up the dosage past 3 per day because I dont want that much meds.

So between the knee and the pinched nerve/back (and of course some bad eating choices) I have gained a like of weight in the last 4-5 years. And I can't hardly walk at the end of the day and have to lift my leg in the car and kick it out and she changes my socks for me much of the time.

It is frustrating because I have worked road construction most of my life and kept in pretty good shape. Ten years ago I ran ten miles a day and now I can't walk across the parking lot without using a cart for a walker. I just had another MRI and go back Friday to see the doc.

I hope something breaks soon but I hear so many stories of surgery and more are bad than good