Hot Rodding Is Dead

$6,000? In a garage.

You'd be lucky to get a rust patch n' paint job for that these days.

Nice video, Rob.

I think there is still plenty of room for hotrodding. It just takes the perspective of someone looking at shapes to get numbers, instead of the other way around. This is, to say, if something works, you can use it, if you pay attention to shapes, instead of part numbers

I'm at a point with my projects, where if I can't find something to do what I want it to do, exactly how I want to, I'm in the garage, making it from scratch. I don't give a damn about CNC billet parts, sponsors, numbers matching, date codes, or even if an engine from one manufacturer goes in front of the cowl of something else. I don't even care where its made, as long as its quality. I'd drive the wheels off of a Kia, if it was a brawler.

What I'd like to see more of, is people making their own ****.

Brand loyalty is a joke. Bring what you made. Hotrod until you die.