I Feel Bad

Yeh. I get ta bitchin' about all my crap, but I admit, I CAN get around some, and most important, I've found ways to deal with it, like my homemade- break -apart wheelchair and my trike, that I use for car shows and air shows and stuff.

Some of these folks "getting lame" have neither the money nor the talent to "make do" with stuff like this. And some don't have the strength or physical mobility to do any of this work.

I'll tell ya. though. The one thing I LOVE to HATE is when some young buck who has "no idea" tries to tell me that "all I need is more exercise" or some BS. I was still climbing towers when I was 50. I don't need some kid to be my "doctor" LOL

I guess I'm lucky in the heart attack dept. So far so good, "knocks on wood."