Degenerative Disc Disease

I messed up my back pounding concrete working for Goodyear Tire. I have l4-l5 and s-1 herniated also have stenosis in both siatic nerves. Been on gabapentin for 13 years {600mg-4 times a day} some people take as much as 4800mg a day. it works ok. Also taking oxycodone 10mg for lower leg pain at night so I can sleep,but usually only once a day. bad days as much as 4-5 of them. Took over 30 epidurals over the 13 years until they just stopped working on me about 1 1/2 yrs ago. Going in June 12th to get lower back operated on for the stenosis as the Doc told me that was my major problem. Can't walk very far cuz the left hip begins to hurt like hell and can not hardly walk without falling down when that happens. They have done everything they can and the damn pain just got me so I'm going to take my chances with the operation and PRAY it works. Everyone is different when it comes those operations. some work and some don't plain and simple. Good luck with what ever you decide on. BTW I am 66 yrs old and man let me tell it sucks to get old :-)
