Building a temp paint booth

Getting ready to spray the hood. Cleaned by blowing dirt as much as I can, about five times before the plastic. Then about three times since the plastic. Going to wipe down the hose with solvent on a rag, then tack rag it. Old rag I won't use on hood of course. Then I have tyvek suit I will wear. Will it work? I have no idea. If it don't, then I don't know what else I can do. I have it separated from the rest of the garage as I can at the moment. I have three fans to pull the fumes out. There is a possibility of a flash, but I don't think the fumes will ever get that heavy. Ok, look at the pictures. I'll post up of the hood after I'm done. Well, as far as crud and dirt is concerned, it came out pretty good. However, I screwed up on the mix ration, again. I have solvent pop because of it. I'll wait for it to fully cure, sand it till the pops are gone and reshoot. Hopefully I can pull my head outa know what and get the fricking ratio right. I know what it is, just have a case of the stupids when I don't need to.