master cylinder gasket help

if your booster is bad you'll either have to have it rebuilt or convert over to something else. I used a chevy booster and later 90's ram 1.25 master and my car stops like crazy! best part is the lines bolted right up!

On his 76 Dart Swinger the master cylinder is readily available at the parts store so they would be no reason to have to get his rebuilt.

If the master cylinder is bench bled properly it can be bled into the system at the line connections. Bleeding at other points wouldn't be absolutely required.
To completely bleed away all contaminated fluid is good practice but it's not common practice.

I have yet to have the brake lines not get some air in them no matter how fast a person is since they lay flat when they are unbolted from the master cylinder. It is just a little but personally I want no air in my brake system.