"I was a moron" or "I don't need a seat belt"

So if he would have got killed on a dirt bike, would we feel the same??? Should have had a seat belt on???? We take a chance every time we make a 10 second pass, or jump a dirt bike, or any other motor sport. Many have died with their seat belt on too. Not saying, just saying....

He had safety equipment installed that he didn't use.

So, given your example, Lets say he had been on a dirt bike and said that he didn't need his helmet, and was killed as a result of a crash and head injury. I mean, many dirt bikers have been killed with a helmet on too, right?

Yes I would feel the same. I would still think he was a dumb ***.

Seat belts and other safety equipment prevent far, far more injuries and deaths than ignoring the use of such items.

And.... Every time we have a thread like this, we have "that one guy" that tries to make the argument or point you are trying to make. I will never understand your way of thinking.

If you have the safety equipment, use it.