Hot Rodding Is Dead

You know, "Hot Rodding" what is that? A late evening at a local joint, with a buncha guys and girls with some sort of "ride" that goes like hell, or as old as the dirt in his head for what hes fixin on tryin to the girl hangin off his shoulder?

OR is it any "teenaged" driver in a 4 poperd car, that sounds like a pissed off bumblebee, then one that comes up to the other that sounds a bit louder, and deeper only to find it has a fart can on it? Both seems to go by with a rage against the older more powerful types? I set there at the red light, waiting for a green, light changes color, and I shift, and stomp the gas, and about 3 seconds in, the blue smoke just begins to roll off as I power brake.....WITH the transfer case in 2X4..... To then get about 2,800 RPMs on the gauge I glance over at the 2 in those piss ant cars that I could seriously run over top of, as their eyes become wide, and slowly and easily let off the brake as the truck is approaching 3,200 RPMs, just as I let off of it....The black "rubber" layin on the road, is more rubber off my tires then their whole damn car, has on it! I love my ole truck, even tho I'm considered a youngster, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna "soup" up a damned 4 cylinder in a civic, to me that's a waist of time and money, as it won't be worth half of what I have right now, and mine isn't even considered "souped up"...

Now granted, I'm not a "Hot Rodder" I ain't got any of the nice old cars, or even fast cars, I got my 67 and a 04 "Family" Car (has 4 doors).

Now for brand X, the Wifes Buick, La Sabre. Its got the 3.8, (Ole Buick 231, V-6) granted it doesn't got the power my 383 has, BUT for a V-6 its not to shabby.....STILL its not "souped" nor will the wife allow me to turn ANY screws to give a little power, she wants to keep the MPGs where they are, UNLESS I can make that number, higher......

NOW once I get my truck out of the garage at my Step Sons, and its back to a daily driver, I want to go "Cruzin" with it, as there is a local car cruize, that's at a place called "Arnie's" and I have gone there a few times for Ice-Cream with the family, and sadly, on a Friday night (Cruize Night), I sadly, the past 2 Fridays, haven't seen ONE old car there! Couple of young punks with old Civics, that look like hell, and sound just as bad.....Think they got it ya know? I just laugh... can't wait to have the truck back running, ole Arnie himself, will actually come out and look.

All I can say is.......Mopar till the end!!!!!!