I Feel Bad

Great thread!
I'm almost 52 and i have a lot of physical issues. I have learned that you need to pace yourself, and think more about the end result, not the time it takes to get there.
It takes me now at least twice as long to do things as it did only 20 years ago, but i thank god every day for what i have and my ability to still work and enjoy life.
Many people aren't as fortunate as i am for sure, and i never will take what i have for granted.
At this age you have to plan things a little bit more so you don't hurt yourself, but that's half the fun, coming up with ingenious ways to get things done!
Things could be a lot better, but things could be a lot worse.
One person that inspired me was a guy that lost the use of his legs in a car accident and was wheelchair bound. He would do paint and bodywork in his garage by himself.
He had a series of ramps, pulleys, straps, and fixtures all over the place so he could achieve this.
He did pretty darn good work too.
The kicker is i never heard him once complain about anything.
Food for thought.......

I hear what your saying, but with me, it takes me longer because im never in that much of a hurry, so if need be i can kick it into high gear,. I believe we find easier ways to do things ,not so we dont hurt ourself, but were smarter with old age...lol