Not pumping??

Well dern!! I worked not the car all night (first motor I've been this far into and I'm slow, i know... Lol) and I finally got the timing chain on, put the eccentric on, torque'd the bolt aaaaannnndddddd...... The dang eccentric turns freely!!! (There. It's out. I feel better now...) I put a new key in and everything... I put a washer between the eccentric and the cupped washer and torque'd the bolt again and a little clockwise/counter clockwise wiggle but at least it didn't slip off the end of the key!! Should i run it with a washer in there??try a new eccentric? (Has a little wear in the keyhole) try a new cupped washer? (Has a little wear on the back) Any suggestions? I'll post pics below..
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Ran into the same situation, ran the damn washer. Holding up,so far.