How much does 1 jet size affect A/F?

yes uphill throttle is more than throttle at cruise. It take quite a bit of pedal to get into the 8-9" vacuum range, more so than what I consider to be part-throttle :) yes these tests were at speed, going around 45 - 60mph. (i'm doing my run's on and off the highway section here, it's a nice stretch with some uphill sections)

The vacuum gauge (part of the instrument cluster and double checked against a handheld vacuum gauge) is on the manifold side of the carb, below the throttle blades, so this is full manifold vacuum.

When I look at edelbrocks tuning manual they state that if you are experiencing a lean bog while accelerating to go to a stiffer spring (rated higher) to have the rod start moving up faster (out of the lean section of the rod).

"Are the power (step-up) spring levels rated to manifold or to throat vacuum (like ported)?"
Interesting question, I wonder if someone can shine some light on that :)