Fuel Mileage facts

I've commuted anywhere from 20 to 26 miles one way since 1998. In that time I've had two cars: an 88 Omni, 2.2L 5sp, and a '97 Neon 2.0DOHC 5sp. The 88 was getting 28mpg and it was retired due to rust at 178K miles. That was including around town driving and I cruise at 80-85. The Neon gets 32mpg, has just shy if 300K on it, and is also due to be replaced because of rust. Some tips - tire pressure and alignment are huge for mileage. I run K&N air filters, the Neon's got some internal mods (no aftermarket parts or performance stuff except plug wires). Learn how to drive for mileage - you can drive fast, but you can't be on and off the throttle. In the Neon I'm routinely going 80-90mph. Run high test fuel from a large producer. I run Mobil or Shell exclusively unless I'm on fumes. Cheaper fuel has more ethanol and that means less energy per gallon of fuel and your electronics will compensate by running it richer.