Future of our hobby ?

I predict a very slow demise unless the government steps in with regulations to get the old cars off the street.

There are probably more old cars being parted out and scrapped today than there are cars being restored. And mishaps take out some of the 'restored' cars. So the market is unlikely to become flooded with an over-abundance of muscle cars in the near future.

In order for prices to plummet, demand will have to change drastically. A US economic catastrophe could accomplish that. Forced implemented mass transit could be another way.

The muscle car craze almost dried up after the gas crunches in the 70s. A lot of people gave up their cars for more economical transportation. That created a glut on the market and American muscle became cheap to purchase. But those were different times. The demise of true production muscle cars left a void. One that found people yearning for the cars they used to love and the creation of retro-styled designs from the automakers to fill that void.

The amount of time and money spent on restorations today often exceeds the value of the finished car. That wouldn't happen if there wasn't a segment of the population that had a passion for these vehicles. Even overseas, American muscle cars have a following.

The growing trend for the new cars in this hobby is led by two groups. Many are young and want instant gratification. They don't have the skills or patience to restore a car. It's easier to buy something ready to run. The second group is comprised of the older generation that have become accustomed to the creature comforts of more posh vehicles but still desire a muscle car.

There will always be some true gear heads that appreciate those cars from the 60s and 70s. - Hang the cost, they'll be up to their armpits in grease and rust. If the parts aren't being re-popped, they'll build their own.