Future of our hobby ?

This issue comes up once in a while. It is good to revisit, however.

One of the things that makes the old car hobby viable is that people still drive, roads are still being built, and there new cars that can trace their development from old cars. People can relate what is going on with an old car. When people stop "driving" for themselves, the hobby takes a relevancy plunge.

The hobby remains as long as it has a viable public face. Barrett-Jackson TV coverage, big Mopar-only shows, small drive-in type shows all help with this. Being enthusiastic when answering questions about our cars, whether at a show or on the street help, too. For those coming into the hobby, it helps to have cars available at various price points to satisfy would be entrants from a do-it-yourself collection of parts to turn-key cars. As long as these things remain in place, the hobby will do well.

As one who remembers the 60s, one of the themes was for old people to make way for young people (Times Are Changing - Bob Dylan) in leadership positions. Here we are, one of the old people. I know I'm not going to be around forever, I should start looking for a replacement now. It seems to me that if a Young Gun steps up, I'm gonna hand over the reins and start coaching. I want them to assume the load, not fail. Who knows? Just as some clubs label their Young Guns, they may start labeling their Old Geezers.

More guys need to have that attitude. I have began to realize that racers usually have this attitude while just cruising guys can go either way. A good friend of mine has a dad that has raced his entire life. His son isn't as big into it as me so I feel like he his sharing his wisdom with me. He always shows me how to do stuff and helped me throw this motor together. Same with another old time racer who always offers help and parts when I ask.

I have had plenty of negative reactions though from other guys who just like cruising or showing. Doesn't matter brand but whenever I stop and talk to someone driving a old car or bring it up in a conversation with someone who owns one they usually sort of blow me off.

If more guys had the willingness to help then maybe the hobby would be more popular amongst young people. Instead they are getting new cars and teaching themselves.