360 is still running hot

You need to unblock your airflow you bought a nice big radiator then blocked 60% of it.

You need at least a 180 stat. Ignore people that tell you to run without one. Ignore the myth that a 160 stat will make your car run cooler.

The stat regulates minimum temperature. Or, look at it this way. A 160 is open at 160+ right? A 180 is open at 180+ right? At 200+ they are both open. At 200+ the engine doesn't know or care if you have a 160 or 180.

You need to be sure your lower hose is not collapsing. Bend up a coat hanger with tight coils, about 1" spacing (this is harder than it sounds and getting it in the hose can be a pain in the *** too).
You can get springs here for about $8. This is where I got mine.

Are you running coolant or water? Straight water will boil over at a lower temp.

Question your radiator cap. You need a good quality cap that works and is holding the correct pressure.