Seeing your 1st Mopar 'Upset' a Chevy

We pulled up behind a Corvette & Mustang at a stoplight.
When the light turned green, they were off & we were right on their tail.
As soon as the Corvette opened his lead, my Cousin went between them & outran both.
haha I did that to two newer 'stangs with my Stealth.

as far as the thread goes- I have to admit that back in the '90s when I had my 340 the only race I ever lost in my Duster was to a chevy. A guy I know (builds, tunes and dynos engines here in town) had a first gen Camaro with a built 350 with nitrous. We went for a couple blocks (up to about 90 mph- it was in town so we didn't want to open 'em up lol) and he got me by a fender. I was pissed off about losing but as we coasted down he pointed out his side window at me and said "that f*****' car goes!"
Later on, my brother was telling me about hearing about the race from Greg (with the Camaro) and Greg saying "I was on the button hard and I wasn't pulling away from that Duster".
That's the only story about me racing a Chevy that's interesting (even if it's also the only one I lost).