360 is still running hot

Straightline - Did you confirm the gauge was correct? I chased something like this and found out my gauge was showing about 13-15 degrees hotter than the truth.

Also - agree with two other points on here. The 195* tstat and the spring, that is a nice set up. I run generally the same thing on my BB Dart (Champion setup), it keeps it cool.

I have not verified the gauge was correct. I believe that's why it was suggested I use a capillary style gauge, but I have no place to install it. I do have a thermal imaging gun at work I could potentially borrow to check. I would imagine that would be a exact temp.

I could also install the stock t-stat, but I'm curious how that will work along with the electric fans if they come on at 185 and off at 165. They will always run won't they? As for that spring I'm ordering one tomorrow.