Wow, must have touched a nerve. I think the Dr. needs to write himself a prescription for a Quaalude. Relax dude, I wasn't trying to diss BBs at all, just trying to point out that there are issues you have to solve, then live with, when shoehorning one of these into an engine bay not designed for it. I've owned both, I like both. Each has benefits over the other in certain applications; Drag racing - BB has it all over a SB. Handling - SB has the advantage out of the gate with lighter weight. You can make a BB lighter, and your wallet will be too. For every $ put into a BB to lighten it up you can do the same to a SB and end up with an even lighter motor.

IMO best of both worlds: take the money you would put into a BB and stroke the SB to 408/416 = BB power w/ SB weight.

Lets get off the motor debate and get back to the OP original question.