UUrffff.. appendicitis SUCKS!!!!

yup sure does. I just though I had constipation. (never had it before so I didn't know)
then the temps went up and the wife ran me to the ER. yup I was a sick puppy. temp of 105.9 and puking my brains out. it sucked but I still figured it was constipation or bad flu..WRONG. I had appendicitis and it ruptured on me I was lucky to get out alive. I went in on last week monday, had surgery and the Doc said I was a luck fella since it had ruptured about 20 hours or so ago and could/would have killed me. Just got out on the 20th and feel like I've been beat withiin an inch of my life. this is a rough thing to happen for sure and I can sympathize with all who have had theirs taken out. so for no I'm allowed enforced bed rest and if I can see/swipe the keyboard I might be able to get on here a bit more since I can only stand up for a couple of minutes or so..