1970 Roadrunner - again

As time went on I found that if I didn't give the cops a reason to pull me over, they would invent one. At first all I had to do was to be a few miles over the speed limit. Even if other traffic was passing me I was singled out as the one to be stopped. One night I was driving 5 mph under the limit and was pulled over for impeding traffic. - Even though the only traffic around me was the police officer that ticketed me. - And he had obviously been speeding to get behind me to stop me. I don't hate law enforcement. Some of 'em are damn nice people. But there are others I'm not a big fan of.

I've always felt that I've held myself to certain standards that prevent me from doing harm to others. I detest vandalism. Heck, I may read what's written on bathroom walls, but I've always felt that it was pretty crumby for someone to deface that property that wasn't theirs. I try to be honest. I don't think anyone's ever thought that I'd cheated them and I know I don't steal. I don't do drugs. Most people would say that I probably don't drink enough. But I do have a bit of a wild streak. I love most forms of racing. I love to go fast. (I rarely do now anymore, but I do still love the power)

As I wrote in the last post, I think that getting to see the less scrupulous side of the law made me 'darker' in some ways. I began to realize that anyone in power has the ability to use that power as they saw fit. - And that although there are those out there committed to 'Serve and Protect', there are also those out there that choose to intimidate and bully or to use the law to skirt the law. I became more of a rebel. - Hooked on the adrenaline rush of going fast and quickly becoming addicted to it. The sound of the big cubed Mopars with a rough idle was music to my ears. Sometimes as I drove down the highways I'd turn the music off just so I could enjoy the sound of the motor. Cars may not have been the only thing in my life, but I had made the transformation into full blown gearhead.