UUrffff.. appendicitis SUCKS!!!!

thanks guys.
I sure do appreciate the thoughts.
I really though that's what being constipated felt like. pain was a ***** but I had food poisoning that was pretty bad a couple years ago (can't even think of sushi :pukeleft:as food anymore, first and last try at that)and just figured it was a bad gas attack. Shaking and fevers was actually worse for me than the pain, I shook out of bed twice when having those 45 minute attacks and going from my house to Brooksville hospital takes about 57 minutes of solid puking if it bursts on ya. I even saw some of the trails I made 10 days later turning into the damn parking lot.:D stubborn a$$ stuff!

I sure wish it had been done by them 2 little cuts. But since it burst they had to do a bit more than the little cuts by chasing bits of me that went everywhere and the infection just went crazy. they gave me so much antibiotics that I was spitting,sweating, pooping and pissing it out. my tongue didn't like to get near any part of my mouth. $@%$@#$
I still gag at the smell of antibiotic meds now.

I still have to go get infusions for the next 10 days at the outpatient center before they sign off on me, but my white cell count has been going down back to normal of about 11.2 parts per million from almost triple that.