How'd ya run against this???

OK, I've hi-jacked my own posting from FBBO.... YES I'm a member there too! Same sort of thread, and I posted in it there and I'm gonna post a BCC of that post here.....

All you piss and moaners, go do it somewhere else. That car is a MOPAR isn't that what this site is about, those cars and the people who love 'em? This is why we are ALL part of the same board forum right? Or Did I miss something?

I don't CARE what is said about the Chebby Camaro, I could careless on what the Ford has. BOTH those cars look like hell! Sadly, the Mudstain, has nothing on it to look like a Mustang, and the Camaro, too looks NOTHING like its counterpart that carried the same name. same goes for our Dodge "Charger" looks nothing like the car of the same name. but.............. OUR Challenger, different story! Best looking car made for that VERY reason.....

Now, if it wins, and it is able to beat both of the brand X cars, GREAT. if not, who really gives a **** anyway? ITS A MOPAR!!!!!!!

Want it to win Chrysler Company? TAKE that Hellcat OUT and dump the freakin' new 426 Hemi short block in it, do all the "old" internals for the old "426" Gen.2, add all the NEW Gen.3 external for emissions, dump that turbo onto it, call it 800+ HP and then you got a damned winner!!!!

NOW, if you want small but got it, if you want the same car, BIG and even MORE powerful REMEMBER you also offer the NEW 440 Hemi the same size block as the new 426..... Call the 440 model the "Hellraiser"!!!!!! Cuz you all know it would! The Ford and GM camps would be shittin' their pants and it would go down both of all their pant legs and not touch either of their legs on the way down!

Stop complainin' bout money this and money that in the Mopar garage, you got what it takes, you done it once, NOW do it again!

Sorry guys, I hope the Chrysler "Big Wigs" get to read that......IF so, then I've done my job! They went to Will. Weertman in '63, and told him they wanted a legend, he produced it....... him and his TEAM.....They have that chance again!

Still not satisfied? You got that HUGE 505 CID V-10. Fit that f*cker with NEW" V-10 Hemi Heads, AKA 505 Hemi Heads, shoehorn that damned thing in the Chally and let 'er rip! HELL dump a supercharger on that too! Offer both......

Its only money..................right?