old school vs new school

A person knows he is good when a bunch of wanna be key board racers/ career test and tuner nobodys with slow cars that don't even know him come on a thread and bash. I did not hold a gun to anyones head to watch my videos...If you don't like em don't watch, Mabe if you guys would spend more time in the garage and less time on the internet you may could make your cars go faster but I doubt it.lol. You guys have a great Memorial weekend and while you are on the internet bashing people this weekend Lisa and I will be in Sonoma drag racing at a 2 day Summit ET race. Oh and i'll post some more videos since you like them so much. Later Haters. lol

That first sentence might have something to do with your reputation on this forum. I know nothing of the drama between you and the "haters" but you just dropped to their level with that insult.