Costs to build an engine??

Could you tell that to my wife?!?!

That's a lot of work to have done, and if you can't do it yourself, you have to pay someone who can. I got all of my prices up front and have been paying on it a little at a time. For example, when my block work was all done, I paid him for it. I know exactly what needs to be done to finish my engine and am saving up the money right now. It softens the blow when you know what you're spending and spread it out. Less sticker shock and remorse!

Yah looking back I wish I would have done like you say and paid a little at a time as certain stages were done:banghead: Especially since he basically had the motor all winter; lesson learned by me:oops:
I could have done some of the work on my own and have in the past but with work and having a kid in two rep sports I just can't find the time; so pay the piper I must #-o. Now to explain this to the wife:prayer:

Thanks everyone