Miss Maylene

Good to see the fire,relit.... as for wheel color,what do you like? I like something like a argent silver,or something silver & iridescent (Dupli Color wheel silver,looks DEEP & shiny.).

Thanks, I had help though... I went for a cruise after work in my jeep well one town close to mine was having there weekend show, I guess the car come and park around the town square every weekend. So being the car guy I am, I went on through. Probably 30-40 cars there really of no one flavor. Muscles to moderns to hotrods to rat rods. Only 2 mopars though, 1 68 charger r/t (one of my favorites ever) and a 73 dart sport 340 4 speed (another one of my favorites). I'm not sure but the bug bit and I ran to my parts store. We will see what comes of it.

It depends on the wheel, I like shiny wheels but usually in the chrome flavor or dark wheels. Like I thought about putting steelies on it. I have an idea to test out.