Crate 360 vs DIY Built

I do retail auto parts,that warranty means nothing.......
I agree, the crate motor warranty is worthless. The failure will ALWAYS be your fault. improper lubrication, cooling, etc. No way to prove it outside a court trial with an expert witness and a motorhead judge. Biuld it with your son, good times. With the money you saved , get yourself an EFI setup for mileage and driveability. Most of the cost is machining and if your crank and bores are within spec, your bucks ahead.

Warranty sidebar: Buddy had a newer 300C w/6.1 hemi. Bought 3rd party warranty on drivetrain. Well, hemi dropped a valve seat (imagine that!) and destroyed the head. Warranty company denied coverage due to fact that "it wasnt a lubrication or moving part related problem, read the fine print..." and it stuck! $800 later it dropped another seat in the opposite head! Ouch.....Local machine shop warranty may be equally hard to collect on..imagine trying to collect from mom and pop on a $3500 warranty, they will go BK, and pop up under new ownership and youll still be out. A few threads in here on that.