old school vs new school

I asked him that once in another thread, rather than supply a real answer he went straight to insults and name calling, yeah guys that's what makes this place the best site! LMAO get over it, it's a forum, people are going to voice different views. If you don't like it shut the forum down.
Yes I have supplied videos and picture of my car racing. Sorry it was on a street and I gave a turbo fox body the leave and still won. But I didn't come on shouting that turbos are bad or fox bodies are worse race cars than A bodies..... neither are true

I remember this.

Ain't nothing wrong with being proud or happy with your ride, regardless of what it runs...It's a different story though when you pound your chest that it wheelies, it is suggested that it might go faster with the front wheels on or closer to the ground, and you get all pissy like a child.

I have a buddy with a BBC fox body that runs deep in the 8's...Pulls the wheels to the SKY...When asked why he doesn't lower the wheelie bars to run faster, he responds with the truth, "Tried it, car ran the same, so mine as well put on a show while im at it", not some smart *** remarks about youtube likes (because that is GAY as hell!)

This thread has really clarified the definition between humble racer and big ego racer lol