Since we don't have an audio section...

I didn't know for sure where to put this, so here it is.

I had a customer the other day hand me a brand new Kindle Fire HD Color still in the box and say "I don't have a use in the world for this" so of course I accepted.

After days of checking it out and considering the possibilities, I am going to put it semi permanant in my Dart. :-)
I have the 5 volt (also Kindle voltage) voltage regulator from when I was using factory guages so I will wire that in as a charger/power supply for the Kindle, and my stereo has an auxilliary input on the rear of it to connect it up.
I have already made a cable to connect it in the car and have tested it with my music since it has a 5 gigabyte storage capacity. ( only about 3,000 mp3 songs) :-)

Here's one of the really interesting things about it.
It has wireless internet, so whenever I am anywhere with wifi it can connect to the internet.
It automatically connects at my house and my Brothers house because I had the Kindle over there on his wireless before and it remembers previously used networks and auto connects to them next time they are in range.
I can use it at a touch screen music player, a digital alarm clock, a calendar, an appointment scheduler and a few other things without internet.
I can add music or whatever to my account for the Amazon Cloud Player, and when I go out to the car the kindle has access to the new stuff I added.

Once it comes into range of a wifi hotspot it connects to the internet and sync's with the free Amazon cloud storage account allowing me to download, play or view any of 5 more gigabytes of music, documents, pictures, or any other digital media I wish to access. (or download to the car)
It can sync with my Google account online calendar also.
(The wife could add things to my Google calendar from the home and when it sync's with the Kindle I would see the additions in the car) IF I decide to show her how.:booty:

When it is connected to any wifi hotspot it has full internet access to FABO, Youtube, email or anything any laptop, tablet, or desktop computer has available.
Weather, GPS, maps, music, video's, you name it.
(I have not yet figured out if I can network print with it yet, but it's not a big deal if it wont') :-)

I am setting up the wiring necessary today, and will fab a bracket for it that flips down from the headliner right in front of the rear veiw mirror so it can be easily flipped down for music selection or whatever. (the touchscreen will make it easily managable without having to look away from the road) like changing the radio station or CD in the stereo.
If you have noticed lately there are a ton of full remastered high quality albums on Youtube as time goes on, so I can access any of those when it is connected to a hotspot.
I was doing some playing with the whole idea yesterday and when I pulled into the driveway my wife was in the front yard doing a bit of cleanup, so I searched a Bob Marley album from Youtube and listened to the entire thing while out in the yard.
No more carrying CD's or such stuff anymore either.

This going to be interesting when I get permanent power and mounting done. :toothy7:

Now some will say "My phone can do all that"
True, but not for free like this setup :-)