Since we don't have an audio section...

My company iPhone does all that and more, and it's free! J/K Just had to say it.

Sounds fun and the price was right. I've got a little system in my Dart so I'm not one of the purist that think they need to leave their AM radio in place (it'll bring big bucks at Barrett Jackson that way, you know?!?).

Enjoy your system!

Brian,,,when you have a running car I will listen to your oppinions. :toothy7:
JK, ya
When the wife asked if I was going to restore my car to original, I told her "Why would I do that? It's a 73 Dart".
Industrial functional is what I would call it (what works best, or what I like best) or what I can afford best. :-) sometimes.
I have been noticing your progress on your's, and hope you get that beautiful baby back on the road again soon.

So it doesn't operate on the regulator. The regulator is only maintaining its batteries.
That makes more sense.

It's the same amperage as what the Kindle it'self calls a "low power charge connection" I think that's what comes up on the screen when it's charging off of a USB port on a computer. (or some notice like that)

I expecting it to do the same in the car, but then again I had it charging with a 1.5 amp source the other day and it didn't mention anything about being a low power source and it charged pretty quickly.
Just as a matter of battery life expectancy, I will probably leave it unplugged some of the time so it cycle the battery like these type of batteries like.