Hockey anyone ???

If the rangers didn't have lund-swiss, they'd already be GONE..... just like in 73 of the
last 74 years......... 1940 FOREVER.........:cheers: sound like a Haves fan with PK and Gallagher vying to be the biggest Neanderthal and Half Price the goalie..say good by to budja next year..the kid Tokarski is good..too bad he signed his contract weeks ago.. oh, and don't forget the biased reffing at the Bell center..that first penalty in game 5 was such bull **** I could smell it through the TV..they should have been gone for the Sharks but the reffing was bad, the canadians could have been a blind ludge team and still have won..

The way PK and the rest of the Canadians were faking injuries made them look like a bunch of pansies..

It is Martin St. Louis that is keeping NY pumped..

Hoping for an original 6 final...NYR vs the black hawks..that would be awesome..


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