Need advice from Step Fathers/Fathers please

And to any of the marriage comments, we live in a modern world with a lot of ways to live.

Family is what you make it, just like your home. Don't ever forget that. Its your choice.

I'm never going to marry Amy, because we share the same belief that we don't need it. Its not a bad thing, by any means, its just not for us, but that doesn't mean that we aren't committed. We have the same interests in our business that we run together, our hobbies and our goals and honestly, that's what really counts, no matter how you title your relationship boy/girl friend or husband/ wife. Marriage won't keep you together by itself, any more than being someone's boy/ girl friend. You can marry a perfect stranger in a drive-thru Vegas chapel, these days. Having willpower to embrace the good in each other and offer solutions when problems arise, will.