F-ing junkie car thieves

Woke up this morning and went in the kitchen to make breakfast, looking out the window something is missing. My daily driver is gone, just an old chevy pickup, but its MINE. Calling the police there is a half hour wait in the phone so I take the bus to the station. Just when I start to talk to the officer at the counter my phone rings. Its an patrol that has just stoped my car with a junkie driving. They know it was not his car, I work as court security and know most of the officers around here. Going to where my car is some amature has done a real number on the steering column. Its drivable (just) so I get it home.
We have a national holliday this friday and I´m off work monday so now instead of visiting my parents and work on my Dart I have to spend the 4-day weekend fixing my dd. It will take some time but the piece of s... junkie will end up at MY court eventually. Just hope the case is assigned to the right judge.