craigslist rant

I should know better ,its Craigslist right !? Put my 354 on Craigslist last Thursday , Friday after noon I had two missed calls on my cell. Called the # and it was a blocked number.
Saturday morning 7:30 AM have two missed calls and two voice mail. Same person as the night before but with a good contact number ,so I call ,no answer so I leave voice mail.
11:30 Am I get a call trying to fish cell out of my pocket ,phone goes into v.m. I call the guy. He's interested in the 354 after talking about a half hour he's all on board. He has three brothers and their Dad died and left them a 52 dodge PU they wanted to put a Hemi in it but he would have to talk with his brothers but since he was the leader of the bunch it shouldn't be a problem. He wanted a little time as one of the brothers was in Alaska and hard to get ahold of. That was no problem. I figured Sunday would be a wash and maybe hear from him on Monday. Nothing on Monday so I call him about 6PM just to see how things were lining up, no answer left a vm to call me and let me know how things are going. This is Tuesday evening and nothing yet. Now I've been stiffed on CL before but this kinda jerked me. Its not the idea I lost a sale .Ya I'm disappointed but its the principle.
If you need to back out of a deal man up call the person and tell them you need to back out ,don't just leave them hanging. I hope he doesn't run his business that way. By the way I did take in to consideration family problems health issues etc.
Rant over ,I don't feel any better but life goes on.