Breaking in a race engine?

I have about 2 miles of two lane 55 mph road between my shop and a state park. Tomorrow I'll take it out and give it some good pulls then head over to the dam and give it the beans.

you're going to chew those Quick Time Pros all to pieces on the road. I've been there and done that. just normal driving on the road at speed will eat them up.

you do whatever makes you feel best about the situation, but you don't have to take that engine for a spin down the road.

all we do is break the cam in and let it cool overnight on its on. the next day we will crank it up and set the idle at about 2,000 rpms until it warms up. we get it to about 180 to 190 degrees and back the idle down to about 1,000 to 1,200 rpm wiht the water pump and fans running. after about 5 minutes at that temp, we shut it off and let it cool down on its on without the pump and fans running.

then when you get to the track, run the rpms up and let the car coast back down as you are driving it around warming it up.

then beat the piss out of it from there on out. have never had a problem doing it that way.

good luck.