My nephew the brony

They do, with eachother.

There is a whole weird gay subculture to that brony thing.

Gee ya think !!!! LOL

I agree, thats some queer ****. I got 3 girls, and a 21month old boy. My boy and i play with blocks, and hot wheels cars, go to lowes and home depot (the man stores) play wrestle on the liv room floor. I tell my girls he is a boy, you have to play boy stuff with him.

I wont let my girls chick a fie my son. That being said my youngest daughter has a my little pony coloring book. Those things are creepy looking with the freakishly big eyes and all.

I presume since he spent most of his time w mom and an older sister this may have influenced this. Its a screwed up fetish like guys who like womens feet. My boy and i are doing guy things, this teaches him how to be a man as he grows up. Kids need both parents actively involved in their lives. Its obvious his father wasnt present for most of his.

But like someone else said on this thread he aint your kid, it aint your problem.

Just my .02