need some trans help..tf3 won't upshift

Thinking I should look at that other vb I have....this is the bore of the line pressure valve

Oh and another dumb does the tf3 run full line pressure so I don't have to run kickdown..

Local guy mentioned a cheetah reverse manual, am I correct that these do not have low band apply

That doesn't look too good but I'm not sure that'd cause such a severe problem like you have. How does the valve itself look? Lets go back to the rear servo issue you mentioned. Did you air pressure test it to see if it's working? Something else that stands out is you said it starts off in 2nd gear. That tells me the front band is activated but why is a mystery at this point?? Not sure on kickdown linkage. The only reason I can think they'd retain it is to soften the shifts at lower speeds. You can try tying it back and see what happens.

I believe your correct that the Cheetah has no low band apply. If your interested in a manual shift VB with low band apply take a look at what Cope Racing has to offer. A&A might have something also.