Vin Tag

Hello everybody, I've been lurking around the site for a while and enjoying the advise and conversation on our hobby but almost never post. I find myself needing advise, suggestions, documentation, or anything that could help me get through a problem from my local DMV. I bought one of the nicest 65 Barracuda formula S from a guy in California. Because I live in NC, I had to have the car inspected by one of our DMV inspectors due to the car coming from out of state. Initially he didn't even know what kind of car I had. After looking around for a minute, he stated that the radiator support number didn't match the vin number and that the VIN plate was not the original plate because it had rivet holes but no rivets. I tried to inform him that 62 through 65 mopars didn't have rivets even though the plate had holes in it and the support had the sequence number that matched the fender tag and not the vin. He later coincided that the support was ok but he still have not signed off on the vin even though I showed proper documentation that the vin went with the car. Can anyone suggest a website that I can print information that I can show this inspector that my car didn't have rivets. Thanks in advance. Jerry