1970 Swinger 340 Hemi Orange 4 speed

A lot of man hours there. It's lookin great!!!!!!!!

Thanks Jim! Yeah it was a lot of work. I know I'm over a 1000hrs so far.. I haven't been keeping close track tho.. I'm scared to add up my hours and receipts, haha.

I got the floor pan out of the spare room.. It sure is a nice heavy piece! Hopefully I can start on it next weekend. I got some nice used seat braces for the bench since mine are pretty thin.(thanks lee!) I also got an AMD four speed hump (mine is butchered) and AMD floor wiring covers. I have some firewall repairs to do and I'm sure I'll find more surprises along the way but I'm looking forward to a new challenge!!

I will also be leaving my temporary subframe connectors in while doing the floor pan. I will add some additional 1"x1" square tubing crossways for extra safety, especially around the torsion bar crossmember.