Degenerative Disc Disease

The point that caught me off guard was the TRT plan. Do I need to go through my GP to do this.. ?

Yes. They may do the initial consutation and write you a scipt for a blood test then send you to an endocrimologist or they may handle it all in house. Either way go to your GP first.

As for the last, I am legal to grow...i tend to juice and drink it vs smoke it but somethings you just have to burn..

Realisticly consuming it is a healthier approach. Vaporizors or "wax" is another clean method.

Some say a chiropractor will help, but that did not work for me. Had one doc put it in a way I puncture a tire with a nail. The air leaks out....sure you can put more in but it is going to leak out again. Which, imo, is what going and getting manipulated means to me.

Sorry to let you in on this not only is this incorrect but it isn't how it works. Doctors tend to put their faith in their way of treatment. I.e. a surguen think the knife is the way. A prescriber thinks the pill is the way. etc. etc. The true way is the way that treats the cause secondary to that is the way that treats the symptom. For example, advil and NSAID's reduce inflamation which is part of the problem and impares healing, narcotics, tylenol do not. Not only do they not help the actual problme they damage your body in a variety of ways.

I am seriously looking at the Ideal Protein Diet....(and the other mentioned in this thread)..cannot find anything negative except for cost....but I am starting to get desperate..

Not sure what the protein will do but i'm assuming you aren't eating as much gluten (wheat based products) Gluten products will increase joint pain.