Proportioning valve after conversion

dusterdragracer, I'm not sure you get the point. "works perfect" doesn't mean the car stops, a correctly adjusted prop valve will skid the front tires just before the rears skid. Unless you are doing such skid tests, with an observer, usually on a wet parking lot, and tweaking the prop valve to find the limit, I don't know how you know you are at the perfect point. Of course, most people don't and "good enough" is certainly acceptable, and "perfect" is a target that always changes with all the variables mentioned.[/QUOTE]

I see you didn't read my blog closely.That is exactly what I did, the brakes "work perfect",tested on both wet and dry pavement. As I said, have done this conversion many times, my buddy has also done it many times, it works perfect without any changes to the valve, or the master cylinder, so I don't know what to tell you, it works for me.Is balanced perfect.It stops so hard it makes your head hurt, without any skidding.
It is no problem to add an adjustable portioning valve to the rear, if you are not happy with your braking, but it was not required with mine.
It may be that you are comparing manuel brakes to power brakes. Mine are manuel.