Degenerative Disc Disease

I have 11 years on you. Your back must have been pretty bad. I think what my doc is taking into account is I am already out on disability. And I am not on that high of a dose of pain meds, just 60 mg of Oxy a day along with 600 mg of Gabapentin. There is a a Laser Surgery Center nearby that claim an 80% success rate. Doc said they are fabricating the results a bit. A neighbor had the simple opening up of the area where the nerve passes thru the vertebrae. A bit of PT and some time off from both work & his home duties....he has a few cattle, chickens and goats....and he was pain free. Got the all clear to resume life, within a week he was back on the pain meds.....I was all set to start looking for a surgeon until I spent a few minutes talking to Sam.
In all reality mine is not all that bad, for the most part. Biggest issue is the depression from the constant pain...and the less than pleasant suicidal thoughts that it all brings. I just have to be very mindful of what I do....and how long I do things. If I take my time I can spend several hours a day working around the yard....but at the end of a 5 hour day outside I get accomplished what I would have in an hour several years ago.
Knowing your limits goes along ways. I can walk down a gentle slope without too much trouble. Down a hill brings on serious pain. If I stay moving on level ground or uphill things are ok.....until I stop. After 10-15 minutes of standing I need to sit....Instant trigger is that slight forward cant from washing the dishes. By the time I am done washing the dishes I need to get off of my feet for an hour.
But it is what it is. My mother ended up getting several discs removed decades ago. She was in considerable pain the rest of her life. No bending over, could barely squat. A buddy overdosed and ended the suffering a few years back. Rod had one area fused while we were still at the PO. He left shortly after I wanted to go in and fuse his entire spine....he just was not up to it. Mechanic at the PO where I was fell off of the sack sorter machine. Broke all kinds of crap. He came back to work 3 years later....had to wear a brace from his waist up til his neck that wrapped completely around him. Was so medicated he could no longer drive. Management made him go thru the disability process. Guy was only 30 years old. Got a whole 6% of his 50k@year salary. And SS said he was not disabled....don't know whatever happened to him...

Sorry for rambling...