Animal rights BS

Wow, talk about a completely misguided point of view. What reason makes you think a person's life is anymore important than some animals? Why is any one life more important than another?

And as far as your abortion scenario, the "human" mother\parents made that decision. The pregnant "animal" did not decide to off itself and its' unborn child. The hunter or a**hole in the vehicle made it.

I believe 100% that there is big difference between a human life and the life of a animal. Humans have a conscious, humans have the ability to change the world. Some can argue that animals have feelings and that may be true, I don't know. What I do know is that it is illegal to harvest a human then eat them. Yet I can go out in the fall and harvest a deer and eat that without being viewed as even violating a social norm. That makes me believe that at least a few other billion people agree with me.

That being said, I do have nothing but respect for animals, and life in general. There is no reason for animals to be abused or mistreated. There is also no reason to take the life of a animal unless doing so serves a valuable purpose. After having a very unfortunate brush with death I have a completely new respect for the life of everything on this planet. Does that mean I'm not going to go out and hunt this fall or that I am going to become a
Vegan? Not a chance.

I agree that the life of an animal or a human is a very sacred thing but saying the two are equal is a bit off in my opinion.