
That's good progress. :cheers:

She's very smart to pick up this quickly. :thumleft:

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She is a smart little pup. If she was an inch or two taller she would be out the doggy door on her own. Whenever Queenie or Red go out the door she runs over over to it, standing in the opening. It only came down on her once and she figured out that she needs to move when it is coming down. She will remind Ernie when it is time to eat, she will stand by the bin with her food in it. When Ernie is putting some in the bowl she will sit, patiently watching. She follows Ernie to the sink, again sitting, patiently watching. When Ernie starts moving Azul runs over to the little pen she eats in, waiting for Ernie to get there with her food. Sometime in July or August Ernie will be going to AZ to see the twins....going to be interesting to see how Azul acts when Ernie is not around....