Dampner out of wack

OK. Well, too many cooks in the kitchen now. I will back out to avoid further confusion. If you want my input, I will be happy to offer it through a pm. There are just too opinions about how to go about it now. None of them are wrong, but you need to nail one down and do it.
Please do not back out, everyones input is helpful.

Now that I know where I stand with this dampener thing I do know that the shizzy #2 truck ( parts truck ) has a dampener on it that pretty damn close for what I want to do with it.

Id like to know learn how to check valve timing, I have no specs for the cam that is in truck #2 but I am assuming it is stock.

I have no specs for cam that is in truck #1 but again assuming same.

I would like to learn how to check and see if timing chain/valve timing is operating correctly, I would like to understand how to see if maybe one of the cams is advanced or retarded a bit.

Should I continue this thread or start a new one?