My 70 Dart

Trunk lid is finally painted. Unfortunately, while there are no craters or other defects, I picked up a bunch of dirt that fell on it after the fact..... Things like the seed pods from dogwood trees, there are two that fell on it. One well after dry to touch, but still there. I don't know how, but I got a lot of crap after spraying. Stuff came out of nowhere. Not really, it came from somewhere, but it looked pretty good right after spraying, then it went bad from there. Wait, it gets worst. I had enough paint at one time to make up two gallons. Well, I have had to respray the few pieces I had so many times I only have about a gallon of mixed paint left, and I have the jams, trunk lip, rockers, fenders and quarters to go. If I run into any problem, I will have to go get paint and redo the whole damn thing. I can not get anymore of what I already have. I don't have access to the materials, or the formulas. So what I have has to make it through. :banghead: