How to fix your Cal Trac's

Before you all get your panties in a wad no, I don't hate Cal Tracs, I just don't like them, think they are a waste of time and money on A bodies, when a good ladder bar car will do better.This car proves my point.So I am ecstatic about it, after all the wasted time and frustration I went through.
My personal opinion (and many others) they are not for t-brake cars.And now Calvert is saying that, but didn't before. You may get yours to work, that is awesome.
Second, yes, this is my 60' times, 62 degree track spinning a little at the hit (hence the crappy RT's). This is at a NHRA altitude adjusted track.
That is a 9:30 run at sea level, so keep this in mind. My valiant ran mid 11:20's at Spokane, ran 10:80's at Seattle.No adjustments. My other Duster ran 11:10 at Spokane, ran 10:70's at Seattle.
Our track is 3 1/2-4 numbers slower.Plus several MPH.
Forget the 60's,YOU missed the point, did you look close to the consistent E.T's? That was the point.It does this every run.
I didn't buy the car to go faster, I bought it to be competitive and more consistent.MPH is just a gift, and I don't care about the 60's, as long as they repeat.
I took the short cut, saved more frustration and time loosing races, now I have something that works.
2 races in, gone 3 rounds each race, lost on my own fault due to new car blues. Not the car,the driver.

NHRA adjusted index's for Spokane:

S/ST 11:10
S/G 10:10
S/C 9:10