1/4 mile car front end alignment

Thanks Rusty-Well went to track and it wasn't good,Car was all over the track and zach did a great job of lifting his foot and gently correcting the car,I know we have to take into account track prep was null and void because of test and tune night and the fact that guy's brought there own vht to spray on the launch pad BUT the car was horrible and thats on me so I need some advice on chassis set up,We got scales finally on friday (back ordered from jegs)and set the car on them,so we have 761 lbs on the front left,804 lbs on the front right,822 lbs on the back left,668 lbs on the back right SO we need to get the weight on the RR instead of the LR and I don't know what we want as far as front to back %-How do we move the weight to the right back and off the left back?? I know there is something about diagonal weight too and we are at a loss so help would be much appreciated--Steve